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York Ely Train

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About York

York is an historic walled city located in North Yorkshire. The city lies at the confluence of the River Ouse and River Foss and is in the Vale of York, a flat area of fertile land bordered by the Pennines, the North York Moors and the Yorkshire Wolds. York is dominated by its cathedral, York Minster, which is the largest Gothic cathedral in Northern Europe. The present building was begun in about 1230 and completed in 1472. In addition to York Minster the city has many historic attractions, cultural and sporting events, which makes it a very popular visitor destination.

In the 19th century the city became a hub of the national railway network in the United Kingdom and a centre for the manufacture of confectionary, although modern York's economy is largely based on the service sector and tourism.

The Theatre Royal, which was established in 1744, produces an annual pantomime which attracts loyal audiences from around the country to see its veteran star, Berwick Kaler. The Grand Opera House and Joseph Rowntree Theatre also offer a variety of productions. The city is also home to the Riding Lights Theatre Company, which as well as operating a busy national touring department, also operates a busy youth theatre and educational departments.

About Ely

The city of Ely, located in the county of Cambridgeshire in the east of England, is home to one of the most magnificent cathedrals in England. Apart from taking in the many splendours of the cathedral why not visit the Stained Glass Museum which is located in the South Triforium of Ely Cathedral. The museum has a stunning collection of stained glass and is the only museum dedicated to the art in the country. A guided tour is highly recommended as it unveils the story of stained glass. If you fancy a stroll then following the eel trail is an excellent way of seeing historic Ely at its best. This circular walk self-guided by brass waymarkers set in the ground, takes you past the oldest parts of Ely with its beautiful monastic buildings with stunning architecture and spectacular views. Ely has a beautiful waterside where you can enjoy a boat trip, a riverside walk or listen to music in the neighbouring Jubilee Gardens. As well as an art gallery and the region's largest antique centre, the riverside is home to a variety of pubs, restaurants and tea rooms.