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Winchester Truro Train offer cheap train tickets with all UK train companies to and from all National Rail stations, not just in cities, but towns and villages too.

We feature all available train fare types including advance, off peak and anytime, singles and returns. Find out what options are available on the line between Winchester and Truro now.

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About Winchester

Nestling at the edge of the South Downs National Park is the city of Winchester in Hampshire. The cathedral city lies on the banks of the River Itchen and is a short distance along the south coast of England from Southampton. The city has many historic landmarks including Wolvesey Castle and the Great Hall of Winchester Castle. The former was the Norman's Bishop's palace and dates from 1110. Most of the original castle is now a ruin although the chapel is now incorporated into the new palace that was constructed in the 1680's. Only one wing of the second palace still remains. The Great Hall was built in the 12th century and rebuilt at some point in the 13th century. It remains in this form today. The Hall is famous for King Arthur's Round Table which has hung in the hall from around 1463. The names of the legendary Knights of the Round Table are written around the edge of the table.

Travelling to Winchester by rail is easy with many frequent direct services from London, Weymouth, Portsmouth and Southampton and from towns and cities around the United Kingdom.

About Truro

The city of Truro in Cornwall, in the south west of England, is a compact city with a pleasant mix of independent shops, national high street shops, galleries and much more to keep the whole family enthralled. Whilst in the city pay a visit to The Royal Cornwall Museum (which also includes the Courtney Library and the Cornish History Research Centre) which has a changing programme of exhibitions along with a permanent collection of art from the old masters to works by local artists practicing today. The museum also has a world famous mineral collection, Cornish archaeology with an excellent bronze age collection, and an Egyptian gallery which includes the remains of the Priest Tayef Nakht, the unwrapped mummy. For visitors who want to explore the city and surrounding area on two wheels, the city is part of two national cycle routes. Truro is part of the Cornish Way which is a route that connects Bude to Land's End. The city is also on cycle route 32 which connects Truro to Bodmin via Newquay. Close to Truro, there is also the Mineral Tramways route between Devoran and Portreath, which connects the south coast of Cornwall with the north.