Trains to Zurich
With you can search for Trains to Zurich, find train times and book a cheap train to Zurich online avoiding the usual hassles associated with buying train tickets at the station.
Taking the train to Zurich is a fast, convenient & affordable alternative to flying as well as being one the greenest methods of travel
Just hop on the Eurostar from London St Pancras, Ebbsfleet or Ashford, connect with the service you want and speed straight to your destination.
If you’re already in mainland Europe and want to book a train ticket to Zurich, then you can do that too! Just enter your departure and destination train stations and search for tickets.
About Zurich and the train services available
Zurich is Switzerland's largest city and is the capital of the Canton of Zurich. The city is located in north central Switzerland at the north western tip of Lake Zurich.
Zurich is a global city and one of the world's leading financial centres. It is host to a number of financial institutions and also to a large number of international companies who have set up their headquarters there.
Zurich is a hub for railways, roads, and air traffic. Both Zurich Airport and railway station are the largest and busiest in the country. Zurich Hauptbahnhof (Zurich Central Station) is Zurich's main railway station and offers passengers services to destinations across Switzerland and to other European countries such as Germany, France, Austria and Italy.