Direct Rail

How to book Trains to Watford

Plan and book trains to Watford simply and securely online avoiding the usual hassles associated with buying train tickets to Watford at the station itself.

We offer cheap trains to Watford as well as open/flexible return tickets, so get the best fare for a train to Watford by booking in advance with now!

For more information including Watford Train Times, please enter your departure and arrival stations in the Watford train ticket search engine on the left of this page.

About Watford

Watford is a town and borough in Hertfordshire, England and is 17 miles north west of central London. The primary shopping area is the Watford Shopping Centre, a large purpose-built indoor mall with over 140 shops, restaurants and cafes. Visitors can also enjoy visiting the shops, bars, cafes, restaurants and night clubs in the town's High Street.