Trains to Nuremberg
With you can search for Trains to Nuremberg, find train times and book a cheap train to Nuremberg online avoiding the usual hassles associated with buying train tickets at the station.
Taking the train to Nuremberg is a fast, convenient & affordable alternative to flying as well as being one the greenest methods of travel
Just hop on the Eurostar from London St Pancras, Ebbsfleet or Ashford, connect with the service you want and speed straight to your destination.
If you’re already in mainland Europe and want to book a train ticket to Nuremberg, then you can do that too! Just enter your departure and destination train stations and search for tickets.
About Nuremberg and the train services available
Nuremberg is a city located in south eastern Germany in the state of Bavaria. It lies on the Pegnitz river and the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal some 170 km to the north of Munich.
The academy of fine arts situated in Nuremberg is the oldest art academy in central Europe and has a tradition dating back 350 years.
Nuremberg Hauptbahnhof (Nuremberg Central Station) is the city's main railway station and offers passengers connections to the main cities of Leipzig, Berlin, Augsburg, Munich, Wurzburg, Frankfurt and Regensburg. European destinations including Vienna and Prague are also available. These destinations are offered on inter city and regional services.