Direct Rail

Malden Manor Train Station

Malden Manor railway station is located on the Chessington branch line and is in the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames. The station is in Travelcard Zone 4 and is operated by South West Trains. All passenger services calling at the station are also operated by South West Trains.

Trains to Malden Manor

This is the place to be if you want to book a train to Malden Manor! Here at you can find all Malden Manor trains routes and prices in addition to a wide variety of other towns and cities for around the UK.

Not only can you check when the trains are running, and how long they take, but you can also get the latest prices and offers with us too.

So avoid the queues and don’t miss the train, simply and securely just book the train to Malden Manor before you go, and save too.

Get to/from Malden Manor Station

Malden Manor Station Address:

Manor Drive North, New Malden, KT3 5PD

South West Trains

Malden Manor train station is managed by South West Trains

Need to spend a night in a Malden Manor Hotel?
If so, please visit our Malden Manor Accommodation pages.