Direct Rail

Llandeilo Train Station

Llandeilo railway station is located on the Heart of Wales Line and serves the small town of Llandeilo, west Wales. The station is some 31 miles to the north east of Swansea and is operated by Arriva Trains Wales. All passenger services calling at the station are also operated by Arriva Trains Wales.

Trains to Llandeilo

This is the place to be if you want to book a train to Llandeilo! Here at you can find all Llandeilo trains routes and prices in addition to a wide variety of other towns and cities for around the UK.

Not only will you find the cheapest advance fares to Llandeilo right now but also flexible off-peak and anytime fares too.

Save yourself the trouble of buying a train ticket to Llandeilo on the day from your local train station and simple buy your ticket online now.

Get to/from Llandeilo Station

Llandeilo Station Address:

Station Road, Llandeilo, SA19 6ND

Arriva Trains Wales

Llandeilo train station is managed by Arriva Trains Wales

Need to spend a night in a Llandeilo Hotel?
If so, please visit our Llandeilo Accommodation pages.