Direct Rail

Leominster Train Station

Leominster railway station is located on the Welsh Marches Line and serves the town of Leominster in Herefordshire, England. The station and all passenger services calling at it are operated by Arriva Trains Wales. Services generally depart towards Ludlow, Hereford and Manchester Piccadilly.

Trains to Leominster

Are you looking for trains to Leominster? At, we offer the complete range of train services with all of the train operating companies on the national rail network, so you can trust that you will find the perfect ticket to Leominster when you come to us.

Not only will you find the cheapest advance fares to Leominster right now but also flexible off-peak and anytime fares too.

Search now to find the best train fares to Leominster and compare the ticket types available now to see the best choice of options for your trip.

Get to/from Leominster Station

Leominster Station Address:

Worcester Road, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 8AR

Arriva Trains Wales

Leominster train station is managed by Arriva Trains Wales

Need to spend a night in a Leominster Hotel?
If so, please visit our Leominster Accommodation pages.