Direct Rail

How to book Trains to Hertford

Plan and book trains to Hertford simply and securely online avoiding the usual hassles associated with buying train tickets to Hertford at the station itself.

We offer cheap trains to Hertford as well as open/flexible return tickets, so get the best fare for a train to Hertford by booking in advance with now!

For more information including Hertford Train Times, please enter your departure and arrival stations in the Hertford train ticket search engine on the left of this page.

About Hertford

Hertford is the county town of Hertfordshire, England and is situated at the confluence of four rivers: the Rib, Beane and Mimram join the River Lea which then flow south toward the Thames. The town centre still has its medieval layout with many timber-framed buildings hidden under later frontages, particularly in St Andrew Street. The town is served by two railway stations; Hertford East and Hertford North.