Trains to Cordoba
With you can search for Trains to Cordoba, find train times and book a cheap train to Cordoba online avoiding the usual hassles associated with buying train tickets at the station.
Taking the train to Cordoba is a fast, convenient & affordable alternative to flying as well as being one the greenest methods of travel
Just hop on the Eurostar from London St Pancras, Ebbsfleet or Ashford, connect with the service you want and speed straight to your destination.
If you’re already in mainland Europe and want to book a train ticket to Cordoba, then you can do that too! Just enter your departure and destination train stations and search for tickets.
About Cordoba and the train services available
Cordoba is a city in the Andalusia region of southern Spain and is the capital of the province of Cordoba. The historic centre of the centre attracts many tourists and was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984. The most important building and symbol of the city, the Great Mosque of Córdoba and current cathedral, alongside the Roman bridge, are the best known sights in the city.
Cordoba is connected to Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Malaga and Zaragoza by a high speed train service. Connections to local destinations are also available from Cordoba and to further destinations along the Costa del Sol, including Malaga airport, via Malaga Marie Zambrano railway station.