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Swansea Peterborough Train

Find the information you need to book a train ticket on the Swansea to Peterborough line between Wales and England here. offer cheap train tickets with all UK train companies to and from all National Rail stations, not just in cities, but towns and villages too.

We feature all available train fare types including advance, off peak and anytime, singles and returns. Find out what options are available on the line between Swansea and Peterborough now.

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About Swansea

The Welsh city of Swansea is located on the south coast of the country and is bounded by Swansea Bay and the Bristol Channel. The city is home to the Fluellen Theatre Company which is a professional company who perform at the city's Grand Theatre and the Dylan Thomas Centre. Other theatres in the city include the Teliesin building, on the campus of the Swansea of Swansea, and the outdoor venues of Oystermouth Castle and Singleton Park who put on outdoor Shakespeare performances and concerts, including Proms, respectively.

Oxwich Bay on the Gower Peninsular was named the most beautiful beach in Britain by travel writers in 2007. The Travel Magazine commented on Oxwich Bay's "magnificent and unspoilt" scenery and as a "great place for adults and children to explore". The beach has over three miles of golden sand. Llangennith Beach, with its soft sands, consistent beach break and great facilities, was listed as the best place to learn how to surf in Britain by The Observer newspaper in 2006.

The city is also friendly to cyclists with four dedicated cycle routes: Swansea Bay, Clyne Valley Country Park, along the east bank of the River Tawe (forming part of the national Cycle Network), and a route adjacent to the Fabian Way (which also forms part of the National Cycle Network.

About Peterborough

The city of Peterborough, in the county of Cambridgeshire, has a mix of attractions from countryside walks, nature reserves and villages to city centre heritage attractions. Explore the city's Norman Cathedral with magnificent architecture set in beautiful grounds or visit Burghley House, John Clare Cottage and Sacrewell Farm and Country Centre with its historic Watermill. The Nene Park, which opened in 1978, covers a site 3.5 miles long, from slightly west of Castor to the centre of Peterborough. The park has three lakes, one of which houses a watersports centre. Ferry Meadows, one of the major destinations and attractions signposted on the Green Wheel, occupies a large portion of Nene Park. Orton Mere provides access to the east of the park. Southey Wood, once included in the Royal Forest of Rockingham, is a mixed woodland maintained by the Forestry Commission between the villages of Upton and Ufford. Nearby, Castor Hanglands, Barnack Hills and Holes and Bedford Purlieus national nature reserves are each sites of special scientific interest. In 2002 the Hills and Holes, one of Natural England's 35 spotlight reserves, was designated a special area of conservation as part of the Natura 2000 network of sites throughout the European Union.