Swansea Liverpool Train
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About Swansea
Swansea is a city on the coast of south Wales and is the second largest city in Wales and lies within the county boundaries of Glamorgan. To the north of the city are the Lliw uplands which are open moorlands leading to the foothills of the Black Mountain. To the west is the Gower Peninsular, which was the first area in the United Kingdom to be designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and to the east is the coastal area around Swansea.
Swansea developed as a centre for metals and mining, especially the copper industry, from the beginning of the 18th century reaching its peak in the 1880's when 60% of the copper ores imported into the United Kingdom were smelted in the Lower Swansea valley.
Swansea Bay has a five mile sweep of coastline which features a beach, promenade, children's lido, leisure pool, marina and maritime quarter containing the museums the National Waterfront Museum and Swansea Museum. Also in this area is the Dylan Thomas Centre which celebrates the life and work of the author.
Swansea also has lots of outdoor activities to interest visitors including sailing, water skiing, walking and cycling. In fact part of the Celtic Trail and the National Cycle Network pass through Swansea Bay.
About Liverpool
Located in the north west of England, the city of Liverpool has the perfect blend of old and new. The city has a world famous music scene and is the birthplace of the Beatles and is also home to Liverpool Football Club. Whilst in the city pay a visit to Albert Dock where you will find the Tate Liverpool, the Merseyside maritime Museum and the award winning Beatles Story. For fans of the Beatles you can take a Liverpool Beatles tour and discover the Cavern Club, Mendips, 20 Forthlin Road to name just a few important locations with a strong association with the band. For a family day out take a trip to the World Museum Liverpool which has everything from dinosaurs and Egyptian mummies to creatures from the deep and live creepy crawlies to discover. If you want an outdoor family adventure then take in the 550 acre Knowsley Safari Park where you can get close to camels, monkeys, rhinos and lions. Last, but not least, is Liverpool's sporting heritage. The city is home to two of the Premier League's biggest football teams - Liverpool Football Club and Everton Football Club. The city is also home to the world famous Grand National steeplechase race which is held at Aintree racecourse.