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Stoke On Trent Dundee Train

Find the information you need to book a train ticket on the Stoke On Trent to Dundee line between England and Scotland here. offer cheap train tickets with all UK train companies to and from all National Rail stations, not just in cities, but towns and villages too.

We feature all available train fare types including advance, off peak and anytime, singles and returns. Find out what options are available on the line between Stoke On Trent and Dundee now.

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About Stoke On Trent

The Staffordshire city of Stoke-on-Trent (or just Stoke) lies to the north of Birmingham and a short distance to the west of the Peak District National Park. Stoke's main theatre is the Regent Theatre which is in Hanley, a suburb of Stoke, and is complimented by the Victoria Hall, the New Vic Theatre, the Victorian Kings Hall and the Queens Theatre.

Stoke is often referred to as The Potteries due to its association with pottery which began in the 17th century. The city has claimed the title of World Capital of Ceramics. The city has many attractions including museums, factory tours, and over 25 pottery factory shops. The nearby Trentham Estate has Italian Gardens, a shopping village, Monkey Forest and a lake which is one mile long.

The site of an old colliery and other reclaimed land is being planted as the Central Forest Park. Stoke was the site of the first National Garden Festival in 1985; the site was subsequently developed into the Festival Park, a business area where some 3,000 jobs have been created.

Lying on the West Coast Main Line, stoke has excellent rail links both locally and nationally with journey times to London of around one hour and thirty minutes.

About Dundee

The city of Dundee is located in north east Scotland and is Scotland's fourth largest city. Dundee is home to cutting edge life sciences research sector, a growing digital media industry and a vibrant arts and cultural scene. Due to open in 2017 is the V&A Dundee which aims to embody the enterprise of the city and make a huge contribution to Scotland's cultural heritage. It is aims to stimulate growth by establishing Scotland as a leading global player in design. The museum, whose building was designed by Japanese-based architects Kengo-Kumo and Associates, will showcase design talent, provide a UK base for major international touring exhibitions, and promote a wider understanding and application of design. There is no better way to see the city and its wildlife than taking a trip along the famous River Tay. Numerous tour operators offer trips from March to September. Bottlenose dolphins and seals are regular visitors to the estuary, and the famous hump back whale still remains part of Dundee folklore. The city centre is a family-friendly pedestrianised hub with more than 5,000 car parking spaces, which offers a range of shopping. The Overgate and Wellgate shopping centres with the Forum Centre in-between offer a mix of high street and designer shopping.