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St Albans Cardiff Train

Thinking about travelling by train from England to Wales between St Albans and Cardiff? offer cheap train tickets with all UK train companies to and from all National Rail stations, not just in cities, but towns and villages too.

We feature all available train fare types including advance, off peak and anytime, singles and returns. Find out what options are available on the line between St Albans and Cardiff now.

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About St Albans

The city of St Albans is located just to the north of London in the county of Hertfordshire. The medieval town grew on the hill around the Benedictine foundation of St Albans Abbey. In its time it was the principal abbey in England and the first draft of the Magna Carta was drawn up there. The Abbey Church, now St Albans Cathedral, became the parish church in 1553 only around 15 ears after the dissolution of the priory in 1539. The town was granted city status in 1877 when the church was declared a cathedral.

The growth of the city was slow before the 20th century which largely reflected the fact that it was a rural market town, a Christian pilgrimage site and the first coaching stop on the route to and from London. The latter is the reason why there are a large number of inns and public houses dating from Tudor times (1485 - 1603). Today the city is a popular visitor destination as the city shows evidence of building and excavation from all periods of its history. Notable buildings include the Abbey and the 15th century clock tower, which is one of only two similar towers in England. The city is also the site of the Eleanor Cross which was destroyed in 1703.

About Cardiff

The city of Cardiff is located in South Wales and is the capital city of Wales. Cardiff is a small city and at its centre is Cardiff Castle whose history spans over 2,000 years which began with the Romans. The National Museum Cardiff contains Wales' national archeology, geology and natural history collections. In addition, the Wales Millennium Centre is one of the most varied and lively performing arts centres in Europe. Located five minutes from the city centre is Mermaid Quay which is a great place to relax with a drink and a meal on the waterfront. For fans of Whisky there is the Penderyn Distillery which is the only distillery in Wales and one of the smallest in the world. Cardiff also has a vibrant cultural scene with St David's Hall, the national concert hall of Wales, playing host to the Welsh Proms. Also, at the Wales Millennium Centre you can catch the Welsh National Opera and The BBC National Orchestra of Wales. For fans of the hit BBC television show Doctor Who, Cardiff is home to the Doctor Who Experience which offers an interactive journey through Doctor Who's world giving visitors a chance to fly the Tardis and come face to face with Daleks.