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St Albans Aberdeen Train

Find the information you need to book a train ticket on the St Albans to Aberdeen line between England and Scotland here. offer cheap train tickets with all UK train companies to and from all National Rail stations, not just in cities, but towns and villages too.

We feature all available train fare types including advance, off peak and anytime, singles and returns. Find out what options are available on the line between St Albans and Aberdeen now.

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About St Albans

The city of St Albans is located just to the north of London in the county of Hertfordshire. The medieval town grew on the hill around the Benedictine foundation of St Albans Abbey. In its time it was the principal abbey in England and the first draft of the Magna Carta was drawn up there. The Abbey Church, now St Albans Cathedral, became the parish church in 1553 only around 15 ears after the dissolution of the priory in 1539. The town was granted city status in 1877 when the church was declared a cathedral.

The growth of the city was slow before the 20th century which largely reflected the fact that it was a rural market town, a Christian pilgrimage site and the first coaching stop on the route to and from London. The latter is the reason why there are a large number of inns and public houses dating from Tudor times (1485 - 1603). Today the city is a popular visitor destination as the city shows evidence of building and excavation from all periods of its history. Notable buildings include the Abbey and the 15th century clock tower, which is one of only two similar towers in England. The city is also the site of the Eleanor Cross which was destroyed in 1703.

About Aberdeen

Located in north east Scotland, The Granite City, as Aberdeen is sometimes known as, is a hustling and bustling city but is also known for its wide range of parks, gardens and outdoor activities for those who crave city life coupled with the great outdoors. The city has a great beach, ideal for surfing and kit boarding as well as wildlife watching at Torry Battery. There is also BMX cycling facilities and a rock climbing wall. Duthie Park is Aberdeen's most famous park. Within the park are the David Welch Winter Gardens, which house many exotic plants including the largest collection of cacti in Britain. The park is an ideal setting for the perfect day out with the family, with activities from boating in the ponds to cricket on the lawns. Aberdeenshire has many Nature Reserves and one of the most popular is Glen Tanar Natural Nature Reserve located in a beautiful glen at the heart of Royal Deeside. At the reserve you might be lucky enough to glimpse a red squirrel or a Scottish crossbill might be above your head as you wander through ancient trees. You might also see the silvery flash of a salmon powering upstream from the banks of the river.