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About Salisbury

The cathedral city of Salisbury is located in south east Wiltshire. Construction work began on the city's cathedral, the second cathedral in Salisbury, began in 1221 with the main part of the structure completed in just under 40 years. The cathedral's spire, at 123 meters, is the tallest spire in the United Kingdom. Planners began setting out the town in a grid pattern in 1220 and along with the cathedral, there is a city wall which surrounds the Close and was constructed in the 14th century. There are 5 gates in the wall: High Street Gate, St Anne's Gate, the Queen's Gate and St Nicholas's Gate are all original. A fifth gate was made in the 19th century to allow access to Bishop Wordsworth's School which was located inside the Cathedral Close. There is a room located above St Anne's Gate and is where the composer Handel wrote several works whilst staying there.

There is a market held every Tuesday and Saturday in the Saturday which has been held since 1227. In 1226, the King granted the Bishop of Salisbury a charter to hold a fair lasting 8 days from the Feast of the Assumption of Mary. The modern day fair is now a funfair and is held in the Market Place for three days from the third Monday in October.

About Portsmouth

Located in the county of Hampshire, the city of Portsmouth, sometimes referred to as "Pompey", lies on the south coast of England and is home to the Royal Navy. The city's Historic Dockyard contains one of the most important collections of historic warships in the world. The collection includes HMS Victory, Admiral Lord Nelson's flagship, and the Mary Rose. For visitors wanting to see modern navy ships, boat tours can be taken around the harbour where docked Royal Navy ships can be observed. Portsmouth also has a rich literary and engineering history and is the birthplace of Charles Dickens and the pioneering engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

Portchester Castle,, which is roughly 5 miles from Portsmouth, is one of the best preserved Roman fortifications in Northern Europe. Views from the castle's keep, which was built in Norman times, cover much of the surrounding area. The outer wall is of the late Roman era and the original church is still in use and is popular in summer for weddings. The castle is well sign posted, and served by regular buses and Portchester railway station is only a 10 minute walk.