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Retford London Kings Cross Train

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Retford London Kings Cross stations

Retford Train Station

Retford railway station, operated by East Coast, serves the Nottinghamshire town of Retford. The station lies on the East Coast Main Line, which connects London to Peterborough, Doncaster, Wakefield, Leeds, York, Darlington, Newcastle and Edinburgh, and is approximately 140 miles to the north of London Kings Cross and 15 miles to the south of Doncaster. The station has a staffed ticket office although passengers should note that it is not open in the late evening. Passengers are able to collect tickets purchased in advance (for example, on the internet) from one of the automatic ticket machines located in the station.

The station has two levels. The upper level serves the East Coast Main Line. The lower, at right angles to the Upper Level, serves the Sheffield to Lincoln Line.

Facilities at the station include pay phones, cafe, toilets and baby changing facilities. Passengers should note that ATM's are not available at the station.

Passenger services calling at the station are operated by East Coast, First Hull Trains and Northern Rail. Passenger services generally depart towards Doncaster, York, London King's Cross, Leeds, Hull, Edinburgh Waverley, Lincoln Central, Sheffield, Grimsby Town and Cleethorpes.

Parking is available at the station for 85 vehicles and is open 24 hours a day.

London Kings Cross Train Station

Located in central London, London King's Cross railway station offers passengers services to destinations including Leeds, Peterborough, Doncaster, Bradford Forster Square, Harrogate, Newcastle Central, York, Glasgow Central, Edinburgh Waverley, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Inverness, Stirling, Perth, Cambridge and Kings Lynn.

London King's Cross is operated by Network Rail and is the southern terminus of the East Coast Main Line which is a high speed line that connects London, Peterborough, Doncaster, Wakefield, Leeds, York, Darlington, Newcastle, Edinburgh. King's Cross is also a London terminus for First Capital Connect services which provides commuter services to areas of North London and outer-suburban/regional services to Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire. Passenger services calling at the station are operated by First Hull Trains, East Coast, Grand Central and First Capital Connect.

Facilities at the station include ATM's, bureau de change, First Class Lounge, pay phones, public wifi, cafes and shops, toilets and baby changing facilities. Parking is available at the station for 322 vehicles and is open 24 hours a day.

Adjacent to the station is St Pancras International, the London terminus of the Midland Main Line, Eurostar services to mainland Europe, and high-speed trains to Kent via High Speed 1, and a major interchange for Thameslink services between Bedford and Brighton. The two stations are operationally completely separate, but as they are adjacent, they are regarded as a single complex for interchange purposes.