Direct Rail
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Travel from London to Truro by train
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London Truro Train

When you travel between London and Truro by train you’ll need to travel from London Paddington to Truro station.

At direct rail we’re completely impartial and our aim is to help you find the best fare for your London to Truro rail journey, quickly, securely and hassle free.

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About London

London is the capital city of both England and of the United Kingdom and spans both banks of the River Thames. Present day London can trace its history back 2,000 years from when it was a Roman settlement. London is a truly global city that has strengths in arts, commerce, education, entertainment, fashion, finance, media, research and development and tourism. London has the largest financial services sector in the world, the world's largest city airport by passenger numbers and world class universities including Imperial College, King's College the London School of Economics and University College London.

Due in part to its port London has a diverse population from around the world. It is estimated that more than 300 languages are spoken within the city's boundaries. This ethnic diversity enhances London's cultural offering. Among the many landmarks and historic buildings visitors are particularly drawn to the four sites that have been declared UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the Tower of London, Kew Gardens, the combined Palace of Westminster, Westminster Abbey and St. Margaret's Church and Greenwich which includes the Royal Observatory and the fact that Greenwich marks the Prime Meridian, 0 degrees longitude and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

About Truro

Located in the county of Cornwall in south west England, the city of Truro is compact although some outsiders struggle to regard it as a city. Many people travel into Truro to visit shops with more variety. The city centre is very small with the usual mix of national retailers and small independent shops. However, even the most immediate surrounding area are made up of small villages with narrow winding country lanes separating them from the city centre. Buses from Truro go to numerous Cornish towns & villages although passengers should note that some journey times can be quite long.

The city is surrounded by a number of protected natural areas such as the historic parklands at Pencalenick, and larger areas of ornamental landscape, such as Trelissick Garden and Tregothnan further down the Truro River. An area south-east of the city, around and including Calenick Creek, has been designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Other protected areas include an Area of Great Landscape Value comprising agricultural land and wooded valleys to the north east, and Daubuz Moors, a Local Nature Reserve located alongside the River Allen close to the city centre.