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Lincoln Lancaster Train

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About Lincoln

The cathedral city of Lincoln is located in, and the county town of, Lincolnshire in England. The city lies in a gap in the Lincoln Cliff by the River Witham roughly 150 miles to the north of London. The city's origins date back to Roman times which developed from the Roman time of Lindum Colonia. Perhaps the city's most famous landmarks are its cathedral and its 11th century castle.

Following destruction of the first cathedral by an earthquake, construction on the current cathedral began in 1185 and when completed it was widely recognised as being the tallest man made structure in the world, surpassing the Great Pyramids of Egypt. Contained within the cathedral is one of only 4 surviving original copies of the Magna Carta which was drawn up in 1215.

Other visitor attractions in the city include the Museum of Lincolnshire Life and the Sir Joseph Banks Conservatory at the Lawn, which is adjacent to Lincoln Castle. If visitors require a more tranquil experience then the Whisby Nature Reserve and the Hartsholme Country Park, which includes the Swanholme Lakes Local Nature Reserve, are places to head to. A louder experience would be to head to RAF Scampton which is home to the Red Arrows jet aerobatic team.

About Lancaster

Located in the county of Lancashire in the north west of England, the city of Lancaster is a compact city with a pedestrianised centre where theatres, music venues and galleries are just a few minutes’ walk from shops, pubs and restaurants. Take a stroll along one of Lancaster’s charming cobbled streets and you’ll find a wide variety of independent and individual shops, cafes and restaurants alongside the familiar chains. The city's heritage as a market town still continues with the twice-weekly Charter Market in bustling Market Square right in the centre of the city. A walk along St George's Quay, along the River Lune, will highlight Lancaster’s important maritime history as one of the major ports in England. Take time to stop in at the Maritime Museum to explore the city’s heritage as a centre for trade and import - there are plenty of interactive exhibits for the kids, and activities are run during the school holidays. Up the hill lies Williamson Park with its Butterfly House and Ashton Memorial - the green-domed folly, commissioned by Lord Ashton in memory of his wife, is visible from many points in and around Lancaster. Stroll the meandering paths to discover mosaics, sculptures and a sundial.