Lichfield Hereford Train
Use the direct rail train times and ticket search box to get all the information you need on trains from Lichfield to Hereford including schedules, all available fare types from anytime peak to super-off peak.
Fare types can sometimes come across a bit confusing but fear not, we make it simple for you to view the best ticket type for the journey between Lichfield and Hereford.
On many routes you can save on average 43% by buying your ticket in advance in comparison to buying at your local station on the day of travel. So what are you waiting for? Search for your train fares from Lichfield to Hereford now.
About Lichfield
Lichfield is a cathedral city in Staffordshire and is located roughly 15 miles to the north of Birmingham and lies between the high ground of Cannock Chase on the west and the valleys of the Rivers Trent and Tame on the east. The city is known for its three spired medieval cathedral and also for being the birthplace of Samuel Johnson, the writer of the first Dictionary of the English Language. Modern day Lichfield retains its importance as an ecclesiastical centre and its city centre has many listed buildings and fine Georgian architecture.
Lichfield has many cultural events which includes the Lichfield Greenhil Bower which is a festival that dates back to the Middle Ages. The festival these days includes a procession from the Guildhall of marching bands, morris men and carnival floats. There is also usually a fun fair in the city centre and another and jamboree in Beacon Park. Also, there is the Lichfield Festival which is an international arts festival celebrating dance, classical music, drama, film, jazz, literature, visual arts, poetry and world music.
Lichfield is served by two railway stations, Lichfield City and Lichfield Trent Valley. These stations are now on the Cross-City Line to Redditch via Birmingham. Additionally, Trent Valley station is on the West Coast Main Line with hourly direct semi-fast services to London Euston, and also to Stafford, Stoke and Crewe and many other local and regional destinations.
About Hereford
The city of Hereford, in the county of Herefordshire, straddles the banks of the River Wye and has been the commercial centre of Herefordshire farming communities for centuries. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll alongside the crystal clear waters of the River Wye or enjoy in the vibrant centre of High Town, where you can take in a show at The Courtyard Theatre. The magnificent Hereford Cathedral towers over the town. Take a moment to have a look at the stonemasons' work - the skill of these craftsmen is very evident. After exploring the cathedral make sure that you visit the Mappa Mundi, a thirteenth century map which shows Jerusalem as the center of the world. Christopher de Hamel, a leading authority on medieval manuscripts said "... it is without parallel the most important and most celebrated medieval map in any form ..." . Even though Hereford is a medieval town, it has progressed with the ages, adapting its traditional buildings to accommodate both residents and visitors alike. You can stay at anything from the most modern to the most antiquated buildings. Restaurants are plentiful with a wide range of cuisines. This really is a lovely place to stay while visiting the Marches and surrounding districts.