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Glasgow York Train

Find the information you need to book a train ticket on the Glasgow to York line between Scotland and England here.

When you travel between Glasgow and York by train you’ll need to travel from Glasgow Central to York station. offer cheap train tickets with all UK train companies to and from all National Rail stations, not just in cities, but towns and villages too.

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About Glasgow

The Scottish city of Glasgow has many facilities spread across the city that range from opera and ballet to football and curling. The city also has many museums and galleries, the most famous being the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum and the Gallery of Modern Art. Most of Scotland's arts organisations are also based in Glasgow including the Scottish Ballet, the Scottish Opera, the National Theatre of Scotland, the Royal Scottish National Orchestra, the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra and the Scottish Youth Theatre. In 1990 Glasgow was declared European City of Culture in celebration of its cultural heritage.

Glasgow's many theatres include the King's Theatre, the Theatre Royal and the Citizens Theatre. The King's Theatre is primarily a receiving house for touring musicals, dance, comedy and circus-type performances. The theatre also provides a prominent stage for local amateur productions and also stages an annual pantomime, produced by First Family Entertainment.

If live music is what you are looking for then Glasgow also has many live concert venues, pubs and clubs including the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, The Hydro, the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre (the SECC), Glasgow Cathouse. King Tut's Wah Wah Hut, the Queen Margaret Union and the Barrowland.

About York

Located in North Yorkshire, the historic city of York is an ancient cathedral city with a history that dates back to before Roman times. York is frequently ranked with Manchester as the second most visited city in England after London and is, of course, famous for giving its name to the city and state of New York in the United States.

The roads within the old city (i.e. within the city walls and to the north of the River Ouse) are pedestrianised between 8:00am and 4pm and most of the sights are only a short walk between one another. The city centre is small enough to walk from one side to the other in around 20 minutes.

For cyclists York is one of the most cycle-friendly cities in the United Kingdom. There is an extensive network of cycle routes in and around the city, and most of the traffic controls have been set up to give cyclists priority. The river path along the Ouse contains some wonderful bike routes out of the city.

York is known as England's "City of Festivals" as there are regular cultural festivals every year. The official festivals are the Viking Festival, the Festival of Angels, Early Music, Late Music, Horse Racing (the "Ebor Race Meeting"), Multicultural Food and Arts, Chinese New Year, Mystery Plays, Christmas St Nicholas' Fair, and the Food and Drink Festival.