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Glasgow Queen Street Inverness Train

Travel on the ideal train route between Glasgow and Inverness on the Glasgow Queen Street to Inverness line!

Use our train ticket search box to get all the info on the train line from Glasgow Queen Street to Inverness including timetables and the various  fare types.

Buying your train ticket is simple, not just between Glasgow Queen Street and Inverness but to and from any railway station on the UK network.

On many routes you can make huge savings by buying the ticket in advance (when compared to buying at your local station ‘on the day’). Don’t delay, find train fares from Glasgow Queen Street to Inverness now.

Glasgow Queen Street Inverness stations

Glasgow Queen Street Train Station

Glasgow Queen Street railway station, operated by First ScotRail, is one of two main line railway stations serving the city of Glasgow in Scotland. It is the third busiest railway station in Scotland and serves Glasgow's northern suburbs and towns, the Edinburgh shuttle and is the terminus of all inter city services to destinations in the north of Scotland. The station has a staffed ticket office although passengers should note that it is not open in the late evening. Passengers are able to collect tickets purchased in advance (for example, on the internet) from one of the automatic ticket machines located in the station.

Facilities at the station include ATM's, pay phones, public wifi, cafe, shops, toilets and baby changing facilities. The station is Scotland's third busiest railway station.

Passenger services calling at the station are operated by First ScotRail. The station's platforms are on two levels, with the High Level platforms running directly north-south, and the Low Level running east-west. They are connected by staircases at either end of the Low Level platforms, and by lifts accessible from Platform 7 on the High Level.

Parking is available at the station for 76 vehicles and is open 24 hours a day.

Inverness Train Station

Located in the Scottish Highlands, Inverness railway station offers passengers services to destinations including Edinburgh Waverley, Perth, Glasgow Queen Street, Aberdeen, Dingwall, Wick, Thurso, Kyle of Lochalsh, London King's Cross, London Euston, Newcastle, Darlington and York.

Inverness railway station is operated by First ScotRail and lies on the Highland Main Line (connecting Perth with Inverness), The Aberdeen Line (connecting Aberdeen to Inverness) and the Far North Line (which is a rural line extending from Inverness to Thurso and Wick). Passenger services calling at the station are operated by First ScotRail and East Coast.

Facilities at the station include ATM's, pay phones, cafe, toilets and baby changing facilities. Parking is available at the station for 60 vehicles and is open 24 hours a day.

The main coach and bus station is located in Margaret Street, just around the corner from the railway station. Aside from local buses, there are also long-distance coach services which allow rail passengers to continue their journey to areas of the Highlands not on the rail network. Stagecoach in Inverness route 11 runs every 30 minutes between Inverness city centre and Inverness Airport. The bus leaves from Strothers Lane, just around the corner from the station. The journey time to the airport is 25 minutes.