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Coventry Southampton Train

Use the direct rail train times and ticket search box to get all the information you need on trains from Coventry to Southampton including schedules, all available fare types from anytime peak to super-off peak.

We offer the cheapest tickets from Coventry to Southampton as well as open/flexible return tickets, so ensure you get the best fare and book your train ticket in advance with us now!

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About Coventry

The city of Coventry is in the county of the West Midlands in England and is the 10th largest city in England and the 13th largest in the United Kingdom. The city is roughly 100 miles to the north west of London and 20 miles to the south east of Birmingham. It is also the furthest from the coast than any other city in the United Kingdom.

One of Coventry's landmarks, its cathedral buildings which were built in 1962, is one of the newest in the UK following the destruction of the 14th century cathedral of Saint Michael by the German Luftwaffe in 1940. The spire of the ruined cathedral forms one of the "three spires" which have dominated the city skyline since the 14th century, the others being those of Christ Church (of which only the spire survives) and Holy Trinity Church (which is still in use).

The city has two universities: Coventry University which is located on a modern city centre campus, and the University of Warwick which is located around 4 miles to the south of the city. The University of Warwick is a member of the Russell Group of universities and is one of only five universities that has never been ranked outside of the top ten universities in the UK in terms of teaching excellence and research.

About Southampton

Located in the county of Hampshire, the city of Southampton has grown rapidly over the past three decades to become one of the twenty largest cities in England. The city is home to the longest surviving stretch of medieval walls in England and to a number of museums such as Tudor House Museum, Southampton Maritime Museum, God's House Tower, an archaeology museum about the city's heritage and located in one of the tower walls, the Medieval Merchant's House and Solent Sky, which focuses on aviation. The SeaCity Museum is located in the west wing of the civic centre and focuses on Southampton's trading history and on the RMS Titanic.

The city also hosts the annual Southampton Boat Show in September each year. It has over 600 exhibitors and runs for just over a week at Mayflower Park on the city's waterfront. Southampton has many art galleries including the Southampton City Art Gallery at the Civic Centre and is a nationally important Designated Collection, housing several permanent and travelling exhibitions. There is also the Millais Gallery at Southampton Solent University, the John Hansard Gallery at Southampton University along with smaller galleries including the Art House.