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Coventry Inverness Train

Find the information you need to book a train ticket on the Coventry to Inverness line between England and Scotland here. offer cheap train tickets with all UK train companies to and from all National Rail stations, not just in cities, but towns and villages too.

It’s never been easier to buy train tickets, not just between Coventry and Inverness but to and from any station on the national rail network.

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About Coventry

The city of Coventry's Cathedral is perhaps one of the city's most famous landmarks. It is one of the newest cathedrals in the United Kingdom having been built in 1962. The construction was necessary following the destruction of the previous 14th century cathedral of Saint Michael by the German Luftwaffe in 1940 during the Second World War.

Coventry is located roughly 100 miles to the north west of London, 20 miles to the south east of Birmingham and 25 miles to the south west of Leicester. The city is home to the University of Warwick which is a short distance from the city centre, and Coventry University which is located in the city centre.

During the early 19th century the city was well-known due to author George Eliot (whose real name was Mary Ann Evans) who was born near Nuneaton. The city was the model for her famous novel Middlemarch. Coventry is also home to poet Philip Larkin who was born and brought up in the city. In more recent times Coventry is recognised for its range of music events including one of the UK's foremost international jazz programmes, the Coventry Jazz Festival, and the award-winning Godiva Festival.

About Inverness

Located in the heart of the Scottish Highlands, the city of Inverness is the main administrative and commercial centre of the region and is the most northerly city in the United Kingdom. The city is a bustling place with a good range of shops, cafes, bars and restaurants.

The city is located at the top of the Great Glen (a large geological fault known as the Great Glen Fault. It bisects the Scottish Highlands into the Grampian Mountains to the southeast and the Northwest Highlands to the northwest) with the infamous Loch Ness a short drive away. To the south and west lie the big hills in the heart of the Highlands, notably around Glen Affric. West of Inverness and with the little town of Beauly at its northern gateway, the long glen of Strathglass leads into these heartlands. East of Inverness, the hills gradually give way to the narrow and sheltered lowland strip around the edge of the Moray Firth, where the main town is Nairn, a long-established small resort notable for its golf and fine beaches.

The Port of Inverness is located at the mouth of the River Ness and has four quays and receives over 300 vessels a year.