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Coventry Dundee Train

Thinking about travelling by train from England to Scotland between Coventry and Dundee?

Use the direct rail train times and ticket search box to get all the information you need on trains from Coventry to Dundee including schedules, all available fare types from anytime peak to super-off peak.

We feature all available train fare types including advance, off peak and anytime, singles and returns. Find out what options are available on the line between Coventry and Dundee now.

To book your train ticket, simply start typing your departure and destination stations into the ticket search box and follow the prompts.

About Coventry

The city of Coventry is in the county of the West Midlands in England and is the 10th largest city in England and the 13th largest in the United Kingdom. The city is roughly 100 miles to the north west of London and 20 miles to the south east of Birmingham. It is also the furthest from the coast than any other city in the United Kingdom.

One of Coventry's landmarks, its cathedral buildings which were built in 1962, is one of the newest in the UK following the destruction of the 14th century cathedral of Saint Michael by the German Luftwaffe in 1940. The spire of the ruined cathedral forms one of the "three spires" which have dominated the city skyline since the 14th century, the others being those of Christ Church (of which only the spire survives) and Holy Trinity Church (which is still in use).

The city has two universities: Coventry University which is located on a modern city centre campus, and the University of Warwick which is located around 4 miles to the south of the city. The University of Warwick is a member of the Russell Group of universities and is one of only five universities that has never been ranked outside of the top ten universities in the UK in terms of teaching excellence and research.

About Dundee

The city of Dundee is located in north east Scotland and is Scotland's fourth largest city. Dundee is home to cutting edge life sciences research sector, a growing digital media industry and a vibrant arts and cultural scene. Due to open in 2017 is the V&A Dundee which aims to embody the enterprise of the city and make a huge contribution to Scotland's cultural heritage. It is aims to stimulate growth by establishing Scotland as a leading global player in design. The museum, whose building was designed by Japanese-based architects Kengo-Kumo and Associates, will showcase design talent, provide a UK base for major international touring exhibitions, and promote a wider understanding and application of design. There is no better way to see the city and its wildlife than taking a trip along the famous River Tay. Numerous tour operators offer trips from March to September. Bottlenose dolphins and seals are regular visitors to the estuary, and the famous hump back whale still remains part of Dundee folklore. The city centre is a family-friendly pedestrianised hub with more than 5,000 car parking spaces, which offers a range of shopping. The Overgate and Wellgate shopping centres with the Forum Centre in-between offer a mix of high street and designer shopping.