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Chichester Birmingham Train offer cheap train tickets with all UK train companies to and from all National Rail stations, not just in cities, but towns and villages too.

We offer the cheapest tickets from Chichester to Birmingham as well as open/flexible return tickets, so ensure you get the best fare and book your train ticket in advance with us now!

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About Chichester

The West Sussex city of Chichester is home to the 11th century Chichester Cathedral which contains the shrine to Saint Richard of Chichester. Contained within the cathedral, in the south aisle, is a window in the floor which enables visitors to see the remains of a Roman mosaic pavement. The cathedral is unusual in the United Kingdom because it has a separate bell tower located a few meters from the main building. Philp Larkin, the renowned poet, took inspiration for the poem "An Arundel Tomb" from the medieval tomb of a knight and his wife which is inside the cathedral.

Most of the architecture of the Roman town within Chichester has been declared a conservation area that contains many Grade I listed buildings. The Butter Market in North Street was designed by John Nash, and was opened in 1808 as a food and produce market. In 1900, a second story was added to the building, originally housing an arts institute. The Corn Exchange in East Street was built in 1833, and was one of the first in the country. It is an imposing building, designed to show off its importance to trade. In 1883 it was also used for drama and entertainment.

About Birmingham

The city of Birmingham, located in the West Midlands region of England, was known in Victorian times as the "City of a 1,000 trades" and the "Workshop of the World" which is recognition of the city's traditional industrial path.

The city centre is partially pedestrianised and most of the city's attractions can be reached on foot. Many visitors enjoy the walk from the International Convention Centre (the ICC) and the Symphony Hall to the Bull Ring Shopping Centre. This is a walk of roughly 20 minutes but allow much longer if you want to stop on the way. The Bullring Shopping Centre has recently been redeveloped and now offers shoppers a vast range of shops, including Selfridges, bars and restaurants to while away the hours. Other shopping destinations in the city include the Pavilions shopping centre, The Mailbox and the Pallasades which is located above Birmingham New Street railway station.

Birmingham also has a large canal network and the area immediately adjoining the canals in the city centre have been developed over recent years and now offer visitors an enhanced environment and high level of amenities. The canal paths make excellent walking routes.