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Chester Edinburgh Train

Find the information you need to book a train ticket on the Chester to Edinburgh line between England and Scotland here.

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About Chester

The city of Chester lies on the River Dee and is located in the county of Cheshire in north west England and is close to the border with Wales. Chester was granted city status in 1541. Chester was one of the last towns in England to fall to the Normans in the Norman conquest of England. William the Conqueror ordered the construction of a castle, to dominate the town and the nearby Welsh border. The city has a number of medieval buildings, but some of the black-and-white buildings within the city centre are actually Victorian restorations. Chester is one of the best preserved walled cities in Britain and apart from a 100-metre section, the listed Grade I walls are almost complete. A footpath runs along the top of the walls, crossing roads by bridges over Eastgate, Northgate, St Martin's Gate, Watergate, Bridgegate, Newgate, and the Wolf Gate, and passing a series of structures, namely Phoenix Tower (or King Charles' Tower), Morgan's Mount, the Goblin Tower (or Pemberton's Parlour), and Bonewaldesthorne's Tower with a spur leading to the Water Tower, and Thimbleby's Tower.

The Industrial Revolution brought railways, canals, and new roads to the city, which saw substantial expansion and development – Chester Town Hall and the Grosvenor Museum are examples of Victorian architecture from this period.

About Edinburgh

The historic city of Edinburgh is Scotland's capital city where its ancient past meets a vibrant, cosmopolitan city with an amazing backdrop. Visitors to Edinburgh can take in its stunning scenery, breathtaking architecture and fine food. The city is surrounded by a beautiful coastline and countryside in the nearby Lothians. The city is the world's festival capital, with the Edinburgh Festival and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city sits atop a series of extinct volcanoes and rocky crags which rise from the flat landscape of the Lothians with the sheltered shoreline of the Firth of Forth to the north. The city skyline is dominated by Edinburgh Castle where, from its ramparts, visitors can gaze down on medieval lanes and elegant terraces that contain over a thousand years of history. On the night of 30 April the Beltane Fire Festival takes place on Calton Hill, involving a procession followed by scenes inspired by pagan old spring fertility celebrations. At the beginning of October each year the Dussehra Hindu Festival is also held on Calton Hill. 'Edinburgh,' said writer Robert Louis Stevenson, 'is what Paris ought to be'.