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About Canterbury

Canterbury, in the south east of England, can trace its history back to before the Romans in the 1st century AD but grew in importance following the Kingdom of Kent's conversion to Christianity in 597 when St Augustine founded a bishops seat in the city and then became the first Archbishop of Canterbury, a position that now heads the Church of England and the worldwide Anglican Communion. Thomas Becket's murder at Canterbury Cathedral in 1170 led to the cathedral becoming a place of pilgrimage for Christians worldwide.

The city is on the River Stour or Great Stour, flowing from its source at Lenham north-east through Ashford to the English Channel at Sandwich. The river divides south east of the city, one branch flowing though the city, the other around the position of the former walls. The Stour is navigable on the tidal section to Fordwich, although above this point canoes and other small craft can be used. Punts and rowed river boats are available for hire in Canterbury.

Canterbury is home to many historic structures in addition to its cathedral. These include the city wall built in Roman times and rebuilt in the 14th century, the ruins of St Augustine Abbey and a Norman castle. The city is also home to perhaps the oldest school in England, The King's School.

About Nottingham

Located in the county of Nottinghamshire, the city of Nottingham is sometime referred to as the "Queen of the Midlands". Although the city has a rich history modern day Nottingham is a vibrant city with excellent retail outlets. It is one of the top ten most visited cities by overseas visitors in England.

Nottingham has two large-capacity theatres, the Nottingham Playhouse and the Theatre Royal which, together with the neighbouring Royal Concert Hall forms the Royal Centre. The city is also host to smaller theatre venues, such as the Nottingham Arts Theatre the Lace Market Theatre and New Theatre, the only entirely student-run theatre in England.

Parks and gardens in the city include Wollaton Park (over 500 acres centred on Wollaton Hall), Colwick Park (which includes the racecourse), the Nottingham Arboretum, Forest Recreation Ground and Victoria Park. Sherwood Forest, Rufford Country Park, Creswell Crags and Clumber Park are further away from the city itself.

There are two main Robin Hood events throughout the Nottingham area, including the Robin Hood Pageant during October, and the Robin Hood Festival during the summer. The pageant is held at the Castle, whilst the festival is held in nearby Sherwood Forest.