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Canterbury Bangor Train

Thinking about travelling by train from England to Wales between Canterbury and Bangor?

Use the direct rail train times and ticket search box to get all the information you need on trains from Canterbury to Bangor including schedules, all available fare types from anytime peak to super-off peak.

It’s never been easier to buy train tickets, not just between Canterbury and Bangor but to and from any station on the national rail network.

On many routes you can save on average 43% by buying your ticket in advance in comparison to buying at your local station on the day of travel. So what are you waiting for? Search for your train fares from Canterbury to Bangor now.

About Canterbury

The historic city of Canterbury is located in south east England in the county of Kent and lies on the River Stour. The city's cathedral, which lies at the heart of the city, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Canterbury Cathedral was founded in 597 AD by Augustine and is the Mother Church of the Anglican Communion and the seat of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the head of the Anglican Church. Many historical structures remain, including a city wall founded in Roman times and rebuilt in the 14th century, the ruins of St Augustine's Abbey and a Norman castle, and perhaps the oldest school in England, The King's School.

The city's theatre and concert hall is the Marlowe Theatre which was named after Christopher Marlowe, who was born in the city in Elizabethan times. The old Marlowe Theatre was located in St Margaret's Street and housed a repertory theatre. The Gulbenkian Theatre, at the University of Kent, also serves the city, housing also a cinema and café. The Marlowe Theatre has now been completely rebuilt, fully opening in October 2011. Besides the two theatres, theatrical performances also take place at several areas of the city, for instance the Cathedral and St Augustine's Abbey. The premiere of Murder in the Cathedral by T. S. Eliot took place at Canterbury Cathedral.

The city is served by two main line railway stations: Canterbury West and Canterbury East.

About Bangor

The university city of Bangor in north west Wales can trace its history back to the founding of a monastery on the site of Bangor Cathedral by the Celtic saint Deiniol in the 6th century. The current cathedral is a more recent structure but the bishopric of Bangor is one of the oldest in Britain. The city's university was founded in 1884 and the Friars School, established as a free grammar school, was founded in 1557. In 1877, the former HMS Clio became a school ship, moored on the Menai Strait at Bangor, and had 260 pupils. Closed after the end of hostilities of World War I, she was sold for scrap and broken up in 1919.

The population of Bangor is around 14,000 and is therefore one of the smallest cities in the United Kingdom. However, because it is a university city it has more facilities than one would expect for a small city.

Around half of the people in the city can speak Welsh, but if you took away all of the students in the University, this figure would be much higher.