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Bristol Temple Meads Taunton Train

Use our train ticket search box to get all the info on the train line from Bristol Temple Meads to Taunton including timetables and the various  fare types.

We offer the cheapest tickets from Bristol Temple Meads to Taunton as well as open or flexible return tickets, so ensure you get the best fare and book your train ticket in advance with us today.

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Bristol Temple Meads Taunton stations

Bristol Temple Meads Train Station

Bristol Temple Meads railway station, operated by Network Rail, serves the city of Bristol in the south west of England. The station is the terminus of the Great Western Railway from London Paddington railway station. Being one of two main railway stations serving Bristol, the other being Bristol Parkway, the station is also an important transport hub in the city where train services connect with bus services to many parts of the city and beyond. The station has a staffed ticket office although passengers should note that it is not open in the late evening. Passengers are able to collect tickets purchased in advance (for example, on the internet) from one of the automatic ticket machines located in the station.

The station opened in August 1840 and was the first one designed by the British engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

Facilities at the station include ATM's, pay phones, public wifi, a cafe, shops, toilets and baby changing facilities.

Passenger services calling at the station are operated by First Great Western, CrossCountry and South West Trains and offer passengers destinations including London Paddington, Birmingham New Street, Manchester Piccadilly, Cardiff Central and Bath Spa.

Parking is available at the station for 374 vehicles and is open 24 hours a day.

Taunton Train Station

Located in Somerset, Taunton railway station offers passengers services to destinations including London Paddington, Castle Cary, Bristol Temple Meads, Exeter St Davids, Paignton, Plymouth, Penzance, Cardiff Central and to destinations in the north of England and Scotland.

Taunton railway station is operated by First Great Western and is located on the London Paddington to Penzance Line and the Cardiff Central to Taunton Line. Passenger services are operated by CrossCountry and First Great Western.

Facilities at the station include ATM's, pay phones, cafe, shops, toilets and baby changing facilities. The station has a staffed ticket office although passengers should note that it is not open in the late evening. Passengers are able to collect tickets purchased in advance (for example, on the internet) from one of the automatic ticket machines located in the station. Parking is available at the station for 193 vehicles and is open 24 hours a day.

Originally opened in 1842 as part of the Bristol and Exeter Railway, Taunton station was the terminus of the line until a new temporary terminus was opened on 1 May 1843 further west at Beambridge. Today the original "down station" building survives, along with the hotel and the extensions added in 1868. On the north side, the ticket office dates from 1983 but the remaining buildings generally date from the 1932 rebuilding and stand on foundations from 1868.