Bangor Newcastle Train
Thinking about travelling by train from Wales to England between Bangor and Newcastle?
Use the direct rail train times and ticket search box to get all the information you need on trains from Bangor to Newcastle including schedules, all available fare types from anytime peak to super-off peak.
Fare types can sometimes come across a bit confusing but fear not, we make it simple for you to view the best ticket type for the journey between Bangor and Newcastle.
On many routes you can save on average 43% by buying your ticket in advance in comparison to buying at your local station on the day of travel. So what are you waiting for? Search for your train fares from Bangor to Newcastle now.
About Bangor
The city of Bangor is located in the North Wales coast and is regarded as one of the smallest cities in the UK. It is one of only 6 conurbations is Wales that has city status. The city lies close to the Menai Strait which separates the island of Anglesey from Gwynedd. Bangor Mountain lies to the east of the city and the mountain casts a shadow over parts of the city which means that from November to March some areas receive no direct sunlight. The origins of the city date back to the establishment of the monastery on the site of Bangor Cathedral by the Celtic saint Deiniol in the 6th century AD. The Welsh translation of Bangor means "wattled enclosure" such as the one that originally surrounded the cathedral.
Bangor is famous for its University which was founded in 1884 and the city's Friars School was founded as a free grammar school in 557. Bangor is also known for having the longest High Street in Wales.
Bangor's main shopping area is centered around the High Street and the retail outlets on Caernarfon Road on the outskirts of the city, one being St David's Retail Park.
About Newcastle
Located in north east England, the city of Newcastle upon Tyne (usually known as just Newcastle) is a regional capital situated north of the River Tyne. Newcastle is the county town of Northumberland and has many attractions for visitors to see and do including the famous Tyne Bridge, the Discovery Museum and St James' Park football ground, home to Newcastle United Football Club. Newcastle's cathedral dates back to the 14th and 15th centuries and is topped with a crown like structure and arches that support a lantern. Inside the cathedral and behind the high altar is one of the largest funeral brasses in England. Running along both sides of the River Tyne is the Metro that connects Newcastle with various historic attractions and the sandy beaches at Whitley Bay and Tynemouth. Newcastle’s Metro Radio Arena is a purpose-built concert and exhibition venue that attracts some of the biggest names in music, as well as comedy and exciting sporting events, ice shows and family performances. Newcastle City Hall, which opened in 1927 and is smaller in size than the Metro Radio Arena, was the city’s first dedicated concert hall and continues to be a popular venue for rock, pop and comedy.