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Wolverhampton Sunderland Train

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We feature all available train fare types including advance, off peak and anytime, singles and returns. Find out what options are available on the line between Wolverhampton and Sunderland now.

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About Wolverhampton

Wolverhampton is a city located in the West Midlands in England and lies to the north west of Birmingham. Also, to the north and east lies the countryside of Staffordshire and Shropshire. The city itself lies on the Midlands Plateau and at 120m above sea level it is the highest city centre in the UK. Unusually, there are no rivers within the city although several rivers rise in the city: the rivers Tame and Penk.

The city grew as a market town which focused on the woollen trade. Following the Industrial Revolution the city became a major industrial centre with coal mining, limestone mining and iron ore mining along with steel, locks, motorcycles and car production. Modern day Wolverhampton has retained some of its engineering heritage, including a large aerospace industry, and also in the service sector.

The city has a number of venues, museums and other public buildings that all lend to its cultural offering to visitors. The Grand Theatre in Wolverhampton's largest theatre which opened in 1894 and has featured the actors Charlie Chaplin and Sean Connery. It was also used by Winston Churchill. The Arena Theatre, which is part of the University of Wolverhampton, is the city's second largest theatre and hosts both amateur and professional performances.

About Sunderland

The city of Sunderland in the north east of England has an enviable location, set right on the mouth of the River Wear next to a beautiful coastline and surrounded by easily accessible countryside. The city also has many heritage, cultural and sporting attractions and you will find that Sunderland has something for everyone. Sunderland has many things to see and do including the Sunderland Empire Theatre, St Peters Church which produced the Venerable Bede, Europe's greatest 8th century scholar, the award winning Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens and for energetic types, the Sunderland Wall and Silksworth Sports Complex offer climbing, skiing and snowboarding while Adventure Sunderland has facilities for windsurfers, kayakers and divers. Sunderland's green spaces and coastline make an ideal setting for a number of outdoor festivals and events. From the adrenaline rush of the Red Arrows at the Sunderland International Airshow to open air movies at the Sunderland Festival, to traditional ox roasting and fireworks at Houghton Feast, there is always something going on in Sunderland to suit all tastes. After a day exploring the city's museums and galleries why not take time out for a spot of retail therapy! The retail heart of the city is centred around The Bridges Shopping Centre, where over 100 top name high street sit side by side along the bright and airy walkways.