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Wakefield Liverpool Train

Use the direct rail train times and ticket search box to get all the information you need on trains from Wakefield to Liverpool including schedules, all available fare types from anytime peak to super-off peak.

We offer the cheapest tickets from Wakefield to Liverpool as well as open/flexible return tickets, so ensure you get the best fare and book your train ticket in advance with us now!

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About Wakefield

The city of Wakefield is located in West Yorkshire and lies by the River Calder on the eastern edge of the Pennines. The city is roughly 9 miles to the south east of Leeds and 30 miles to the south west of York. The centre of the city is on a hill on the north bank of the River Calder close to where a 14th century stone bridge crosses the river. The city was called the "Merrie City" in the middle ages and during the 18th century it developed as a result in its trade in corn, coal mining and textiles.

Major landmarks in the city include its cathedral which is 75m tall and is the tallest spire in Yorkshire, the Grade II listed Neoclassical Crown Court constructed in 1810 and Wakefield Town Hall constructed in 1880. Another prominent structure is the 95-arch railway viaduct, constructed of 800,000,000 bricks in the 1860s on the Doncaster to Leeds railway line. At its northern end is a bridge with an 80-foot span over Westgate and at its southern end a 163-foot iron bridge crossing the River Calder. Also, the old Wakefield Bridge with its Chantry Chapel, Sandal Castle, and Lawe Hill in Clarence Park are ancient monuments.[

About Liverpool

Located in north west England, Liverpool is a city in Merseyside, famous for its football teams, The Beatles and buzzing nightlife. It lies within the historic county boundaries of Lancashire. In recent years, many parts of Liverpool's city centre have undergone significant redevelopment and regeneration after years of decline. The largest of these developments has been Liverpool One, which has seen almost £1 billion invested in the redevelopment of 42 acres of land, providing new retail, commercial, residential and leisure space. Around the north of the city centre several new skyscrapers have also been constructed including the RIBA award winning Unity Buildings and West Tower, which at 140m is Liverpool's tallest building.

One of the most famous locations in Liverpool is the Pier Head, renowned for the trio of buildings – the Royal Liver Building, the Cunard Building and the Port of Liverpool Building – which sit upon it. Collectively referred to as the Three Graces, these buildings stand as a testament to the great wealth in the city during the late 19th and early 20th century. Built in a variety of architectural styles, they are recognised as being the symbol of Maritime Liverpool, and are regarded by many as contributing to one of the most impressive waterfronts in the world.