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Travel from Sunderland to Oxford by train
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Sunderland Oxford Train offer cheap train tickets with all UK train companies to and from all National Rail stations, not just in cities, but towns and villages too.

We offer the cheapest tickets from Sunderland to Oxford as well as open/flexible return tickets, so ensure you get the best fare and book your train ticket in advance with us now!

On many routes you can save on average 43% by buying your ticket in advance in comparison to buying at your local station on the day of travel. So what are you waiting for? Search for your train fares from Sunderland to Oxford now.

About Sunderland

The city of Sunderland lies at the mouth of the River Wear and is located in north east England. The city hosted the writer Lewis Carrol on many occasions and is where he wrote most of Jabberwocky along with the Walrus and the Carpenter. It is also thought that some parts of Sunderland and the surrounding areas inspired him when he wrote Alice in Wonderland. The Whitburn Library has a stature in memory of Lewis Carrol. Staying with the arts, the painter L.S. Lowry was also a frequent visitor to the city, where he stayed at the Seaburn Hotel. Many of his seascape and shipbuilding paintings are based on Wearside scenes.

The Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art and Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens showcase exhibitions and installations from up-and-coming and established artists alike, with the latter holding an extensive collection of L.S. Lowry. The National Glass Centre on Liberty Way also exhibits a number of glass sculptures.

Sunderland has a number of theatres including the Sunderland Empire Theatre which is the largest theatre in the north east of England. The Royalty Theatre is home to the amateur Royalty Theatre Group who put on a number of productions each year.

About Oxford

Located in the county of Oxfordshire, the city of Oxford is roughly 50 miles to the west of London. The city is known throughout the world as home to the historic Oxford University, founded in the 12th century, which is the oldest university in the United Kingdom. Oxford's famous "Dreaming Spires" refer to the medieval churches and colleges that dominate the bustling modern town in all their Gothic splendour. Picturesque architecture and a vibrant modern life (driven by students, light industry and technology) set in the rolling countryside of Oxfordshire make this a great destination.

Oxford city centre is very compact and easily walkable with many areas of the city centre pedestrianised. All major tourist sights are well-signposted. The narrow streets of the city centre are pedestrian-friendly, difficult for cars and full of beautiful buildings that will draw your attention upwards.

The preferred mode of transport for the university student is the bicycle and like Amsterdam, Copenhagen or Beijing, there are hundreds of them. Most trains into Oxford allow bicycles to be carried for free. Fortunately, there are cycle lanes on virtually ever street near the centre; however, you will sometimes be sharing the road with other motorists.