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About St Albans

The city of St Albans is located just to the north of London in the county of Hertfordshire. The medieval town grew on the hill around the Benedictine foundation of St Albans Abbey. In its time it was the principal abbey in England and the first draft of the Magna Carta was drawn up there. The Abbey Church, now St Albans Cathedral, became the parish church in 1553 only around 15 ears after the dissolution of the priory in 1539. The town was granted city status in 1877 when the church was declared a cathedral.

The growth of the city was slow before the 20th century which largely reflected the fact that it was a rural market town, a Christian pilgrimage site and the first coaching stop on the route to and from London. The latter is the reason why there are a large number of inns and public houses dating from Tudor times (1485 - 1603). Today the city is a popular visitor destination as the city shows evidence of building and excavation from all periods of its history. Notable buildings include the Abbey and the 15th century clock tower, which is one of only two similar towers in England. The city is also the site of the Eleanor Cross which was destroyed in 1703.

About Chester

The city of Chester lies close to the border with Wales and is located in the north west of England in the county of Cheshire. There are many things to do in the city including visiting the Roman walls and wandering along The Groves or around the historic market town. The Groves is Chester's own promenade that runs alongside the River Dee from Grosvenor Park to the Old Handlebridge. The Groves was established as a promenade in the early 18th century.

For visitors interested in horse racing, Chester Racecourse is located on the Roodee which was originally the site of the Roman Port. If visitors want to see some of the racing action for free then the Roman walls walk you right past a view of the action.

Roman remains can still be seen in the city, particularly in the basements of some of the city's buildings and also in the lower parts of the northern section of the city walls. Perhaps the most important feature is the amphitheatre just outside the walls. Roman artifacts are on display in the Roman Gardens which run parallel to the city walls from Newgate to the River Dee.