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Plymouth Salisbury Train

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About Plymouth

Plymouth is a city in the county of Devon in the south west of England. The city is roughly 190 miles from London and lies on the mouth of the rivers Plym and Tamar, where they join Plymouth Sound. Plymouth grew into a major commercial shipping port during the Industrial Revolution handling imports and passengers from the Americas while nearby Devonport grew as an important Royal Naval shipbuilding and dockyard town.

During the summer guided tours are available to the Royal Citadel which was built in 1666 to defend the port from naval attacks, to suppress Plymothian Parliamentary leanings and to train the armed forces. There is also Smeaton's Tower, built in 1759, and also there are 20 war memorials of which nine are on The Hoe including Plymouth Naval Memorial. A mile upstream and on the opposite side of the River Plym is the Saltram estate which has a Jacobean and Georgian mansion.

Plymouth is often used as a base by visitors to nearby Dartmoor, the Tamar Valley and the beaches of south-east Cornwall. Kingsand, Cawsand and Whitsand Bay are popular. Plymouth is also an important centre for watersports, especially scuba diving and sailing. The Port of Plymouth Regatta is one of the oldest regattas in the world, and has been held regularly since 1823. In September 2011, Plymouth hosted the America's Cup World Series for nine days.

About Salisbury

The city of Salisbury is located in the county of Wiltshire and is described as the City in the Countryside. The city is home to many timbered buildings, an early English Gothic Cathedral, home to copy of the Magna Carta, a bustling market, museums and some of England's finest houses. Located within the cathedral Close there is Arundells, Mompesson House, The Rifles Military Museum and the Salisbury Museum all of which provide many hours of fun for the family. On the edge of the city there is Salisbury Racecourse. In a beautiful setting the racecourse provides around 15 days of racing each year throughout the summer months. The racecourse attracts top jockeys and some of the best horses in the country. In 2012 Salisbury was awarded Purple Flag status which is awarded to towns or cities that offer a 'gold standard' for their centres at night. It is a standard that means they are welcoming to all and offer safe ways for people to travel home, provide a good mix of venues and have lower crime rates and lower levels of anti-social behaviour.