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Nottingham Hereford Train

Use the direct rail train times and ticket search box to get all the information you need on trains from Nottingham to Hereford including schedules, all available fare types from anytime peak to super-off peak.

We offer the cheapest tickets from Nottingham to Hereford as well as open/flexible return tickets, so ensure you get the best fare and book your train ticket in advance with us now!

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About Nottingham

Nottingham is a city and county town of Nottinghamshire in the East Midlands of England. The city is famed for its link to the legend of Robin Hood and is also renowned for its lace making, bicycle and tobacco industries. Visitors to Nottingham have a huge range of things to do and places and buildings to see. Some of Nottingham's famous venues include the National Ice Centre, the National Water Sports Centre, its Test cricket ground, Trent Bridge, two professional football teams (Nottingham Forest and Notts County), and successful cricket and ice hockey teams.

Culturally, Nottingham is spoilt for choice. In addition to its vast range of bars, restaurants and night clubs the city has two large theatres, many museums and art galleries, an independent cinema and several live music venues including the Nottingham Arena and Rock City.

Nottingham has many different architectural styles with buildings dating back to the 12th century. The centre of Nottingham is usually regarded as the Old Market Square which is the largest city square in the UK. The square is overlooked by the Council House which was built in the 1920's and has baroque columns and stone statues of two lions at the front to stand guard over the square. On the ground floor of the Council House, Exchange Arcade is an upmarket shopping centre which has a number of high end boutiques.

About Hereford

Located in the county of Herefordshire, the city of Hereford is close to the border with Wales and lies on the River Wye. H.Art, or Herefordshire Art Week, is an annual county-wide exhibition held in September, displaying the work of local artists. Many places usually closed to the public are opened during this week, such as the Bishop's Palace at the Cathedral. Another attraction in the city is the Hereford Cider Museum which includes a shop and an interactive guide on how to make cider. The museum was established by people who wanted to record the traditional art of cider making. The museum is housed in a former cider factory and was opened in the early 1980's. Since the mid 1980's, friends of the museum hold an annual International Cider Festival.

RAF Hereford was a non-flying station of the Royal Air Force located near to the city. It was the home of a wide variety of training schools from 1940 until it closed for RAF training in 1999. Subsequently the Special Air Service (SAS) moved their base to there from its previous location in the city. There is a clocktower in Hereford where the names of dead SAS men are inscribed.