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About Norwich

Norwich is a city located in the East Anglia region of eastern England and is roughly 100 miles from London. The city likes to promote its architectural heritage through a collection of notable buildings called the "Norwich 12". The 12 buildings that make up the group are: Norwich Castle, Norwich Cathedral, The Great Hospital, St Andrew's Hall and Blackfriars Hall, The Guildhall, Dragon Hall, The Assembly House, St James Mill, St John the Baptist RC Cathedral, Surrey House, City Hall and The Forum.

Strangers' Hall is one of the oldest buildings in Norwich, and is a merchant's house dating to the early 14th century. The many rooms are furnished and equipped in the styles of different eras, from the Early Tudor to the Late Victorian. Exhibits include costumes and textiles, domestic objects of all sorts, and collections of children's toys and games, and of children's books. The latter two collections are considered to be of national importance.

Important live music venues that lead to the city having a thriving music scene are the Norwich Arts Centre which is located on St. Benedict's Street, the King of Hearts in Fye Bridge Street, The Waterfront, The Queen Charlotte and venues at the University of East Anglia.

About Hereford

The city of Hereford, in the county of Herefordshire, straddles the banks of the River Wye and has been the commercial centre of Herefordshire farming communities for centuries. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll alongside the crystal clear waters of the River Wye or enjoy in the vibrant centre of High Town, where you can take in a show at The Courtyard Theatre. The magnificent Hereford Cathedral towers over the town. Take a moment to have a look at the stonemasons' work - the skill of these craftsmen is very evident. After exploring the cathedral make sure that you visit the Mappa Mundi, a thirteenth century map which shows Jerusalem as the center of the world. Christopher de Hamel, a leading authority on medieval manuscripts said "... it is without parallel the most important and most celebrated medieval map in any form ..." . Even though Hereford is a medieval town, it has progressed with the ages, adapting its traditional buildings to accommodate both residents and visitors alike. You can stay at anything from the most modern to the most antiquated buildings. Restaurants are plentiful with a wide range of cuisines. This really is a lovely place to stay while visiting the Marches and surrounding districts.