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Newcastle Chichester Train

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About Newcastle

Newcastle upon Tyne, often referred to as just Newcastle, is a city located in the metropolitan borough of Tyne and Wear in the north east of England. Newcastle lies on the north bank of the River Tyne and is roughly 9 miles from the North Sea coast. The development of the seaport in the 16th century contributed to Newcastle's growth along with the shipyards that were located lower down the river towards the coast. At one time Newcastle was amongst the world's largest ship building and ship repairing centres. Modern day Newcastle's economy includes hosting many corporate headquarters, education, digital technologies, retail, tourism and other cultural centres.

Newcastle is world famous for a number of iconic brands: Newcastle Brown Ale, a brand of beer, Newcastle United Football Club, a Premier League football team and the Tyne Bridge. It is also home to the most popular half marathon, the Great North Run.

Newcastle's thriving Chinatown lies in the north-west of Grainger Town, centered on Stowell Street. A new Chinese arch, or paifang, providing a landmark entrance, was handed over to the city with a ceremony in 2005.

The UK's first biotechnology village, the "Centre for Life" is located in the city centre close to Newcastle Central railway station. The village is the first step in the City Council's plans to transform Newcastle into a science city.

About Chichester

Located on the south coast of England in the county of West Sussex, Chichester is a transport hub, and the centre for culture in the region, with a theatre, museum and two art galleries. Nearby Chichester Harbour, together with the South Downs and the city walls, provide opportunities for outdoor pursuits.

The site of the Roman amphitheatre is in a park south of the Hornet. The precise location can be established by a gentle bank roughly oval in shape and a notice board in the park provides visitors with more information. The Butter Market in North Street was designed by John Nash, and was opened in 1808 as a food and produce market. In 1900, a second storey was added to the building, originally housing an arts institute. The building has recently been renovated. The Corn Exchange in East Street was built in 1833 and was one of the first in the country. It is an imposing building, designed to show off its importance to trade. In 1883 it was also used for drama and entertainment. Chichester is also home to the South Downs Planetarium & Science Centre, which opened in 2001 and features a program of public star shows in its 100 seat theatre.