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Travel from Manchester to Plymouth by train
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Manchester Plymouth Train

When you travel between Manchester and Plymouth by train you’ll need to travel from Manchester Piccadilly to Plymouth station.

At direct rail we’re completely impartial and our aim is to help you find the best fare for your Manchester to Plymouth rail journey, quickly, securely and hassle free.

It’s never been easier to buy train tickets, not just between Manchester and Plymouth but to and from any station on the national rail network.

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About Manchester

Manchester is a city in the north west of England and is the sixth largest city in the United Kingdom. Manchester is surrounded by the Cheshire Plain to the south and the Pennines to the north and east. Manchester grew as a city as a result of the changes resulting from the boom in the textile industry spurred on by the Industrial Revolution. The city was the world's first industrialised city. To accommodate the increasing levels of trade the Bridgewater Canal was built in 1761 to transport coal. Manchester was also the site of the world's first railway station and is also where scientists first split the atom and developed the first stored program computer.

The city is notable for its architecture, culture, music, media, scientific and engineering output, sports clubs and transport connections. Two large squares contain many of the city's public monuments. Albert Square, outside Manchester Town Hall, has monuments to Prince Albert, Bishop James Fraser, Oliver Heywood, Ewart Gladstone and John Bright. Piccadilly Gardens has monuments to Queen Victoria, Robert Peel, James Watt and the Duke of Wellington.

The city is also home to two of the English Premier League's biggest football clubs: Manchester United Football Club, the most successful club in Premier League history, and Manchester City Football Club.

About Plymouth

Located in the county of Devon, the city of Plymouth is located between the mouths of two rivers and is widely regarded as one of the world's most impressive natural harbours. In 1588, the English Navy, which was led in part by Sir Francis Drake, set sail from Plymouth to defeat the Spanish Armada. Plymouth is by turns rugged and hilly, or green and rolling. Nearby Dartmoor was designated a National Park in 1951. Popular sites include Smeatons Tower a lighthouse re-sited on the Hoe, Mount Batten Peninsula, the National Marine Aquarium, and Buckland Abbey, which was Drake's former home.

The Royal Dockyard was built in the area, on the banks of the River Tamar, in 1690. It was in 1620 that the Pilgrim Fathers finally left Plymouth after repairs on their escape from religious persecution to the New World, eventually setting up Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts.

Plymouth is quite a small city and the waterfront area, the Barbican and the Hoe, are within walking range from the centre of the city. Water taxis are available, normally during the summer months, to take visitors to various destinations around the waterside part of the city. The rest of the city is well covered by local bus services.