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About Lichfield

Lichfield Cathedral. in the Staffordshire city of Lichfield, is dedicated to St Chad and Saint Mary and is located in the Staffordshire city of Lichfield. The cathedral has an internal length of 113 meters and is 21 meters wide. The cathedral's central spire is 77 meters high and its western spires are both around 58 meters high. The cathedral was constructed out of local sandstone which was quarried for a site to the south of the city. Interestingly, the walls of the nave lean slightly outwards due to the weight of the stone used in the vaulted ceiling. The stained glass window of the Lady Chapel contains some of the finest medieval Flemish painted glass, having originally come from the Abbey of Herkenrode in Belgium in 1801. Modern day Lichfield has retained its status as an ecclesiastical centre and the city has managed retained over 200 listed buildings.

In the 18th century Lichfield became a busy coaching centre where Inns and hostelries grew in order to provide accommodation. Industries dependent on the coaching trade such as coach builders, corn and hay merchants, saddlers and tanneries also began to thrive. The main source of wealth to the city came from the money generated by its many visitors. However, the invention of the railways saw a decline in coach travel, and with it came the decline in Lichfield's prosperity.

About Truro

The city of Truro in Cornwall, in the south west of England, is a compact city with a pleasant mix of independent shops, national high street shops, galleries and much more to keep the whole family enthralled. Whilst in the city pay a visit to The Royal Cornwall Museum (which also includes the Courtney Library and the Cornish History Research Centre) which has a changing programme of exhibitions along with a permanent collection of art from the old masters to works by local artists practicing today. The museum also has a world famous mineral collection, Cornish archaeology with an excellent bronze age collection, and an Egyptian gallery which includes the remains of the Priest Tayef Nakht, the unwrapped mummy. For visitors who want to explore the city and surrounding area on two wheels, the city is part of two national cycle routes. Truro is part of the Cornish Way which is a route that connects Bude to Land's End. The city is also on cycle route 32 which connects Truro to Bodmin via Newquay. Close to Truro, there is also the Mineral Tramways route between Devoran and Portreath, which connects the south coast of Cornwall with the north.