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Leeds Winchester Train offer cheap train tickets with all UK train companies to and from all National Rail stations, not just in cities, but towns and villages too.

We feature all available train fare types including advance, off peak and anytime, singles and returns. Find out what options are available on the line between Leeds and Winchester now.

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About Leeds

The West Yorkshire city of Leeds can trace its origins back to the Middle Ages where it developed as a market town. Prior to the onset of the Industrial Revolution, Leeds became a coordination centre for the manufacture of woollen cloth and white broadcloth was traded at its White Cloth Hall. In 1770, the city was responsible for one sixth of the export trade of cloth. The construction of the Aire and Calder Navigation in 1699 and the Leeds and Liverpool Canal in 1816 spurred on the growth of textiles in Leeds. The next stage of the city's development came with the arrival of the railway network in the 1830's which connected Leeds to markets throughout the north of England and beyond. Specifically it connected Leeds to Manchester and the ports of Liverpool and Hull which improved access to international markets.

Leeds railway station offers passengers services to the suburbs of Leeds and beyond to the rest of the country. It is one of the busiest stations on the national rail network outside London. It also has the largest number of platforms of any railway station in the United Kingdom outside London.

Leeds Bradford Airport also provides passengers with many daily flights to destinations in the United Kingdom, Europe, Egypt, Tunisia, Pakistan and the USA.

About Winchester

The city of Winchester in Hampshire, on the couth coast of England, is packed with historic buildings, monuments and museums - all within a short walking distance of each other and just waiting to be explored. Whilst in the city explore the medieval streets and admire the magnificent cathedral and Wolvesey Castle before taking a gentle stroll along the River Itchen to The Hospital of St Cross (a medieval almshouse - or charitable housing). The city is also recognised as a foodie destination and has the largest Farmers Market in the United Kingdom. The River Itchen, which runs through the heart of the Winchester, along with the River Test to the south west of the city, are famous for the wild trout which thrive in their clear, fast-running waters. The city is located on the edge of the South Downs National Park, and combines cosmopolitan elegance with rural idyll. The park covers an area of 628 sq miles, and stretches for 87 miles from Winchester in the west to Eastbourne in the east through the counties of Hampshire, West Sussex and East Sussex. The park includes the infamous iconic chalky white cliffs of Beachy Head.