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Lancaster Bangor Train

Find the information you need to book a train ticket on the Lancaster to Bangor line between England and Wales here.

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About Lancaster

Lancaster is a city and county town of Lancashire and lies on the River Lune. The city offers visitors a huge range of cultural activities to immerse themselves in. The city also has many excellent examples of Georgian architecture as well as Lancaster Castle, the Priory Church of St. Mary and the Edwardian Ashton Memorial are all sites of historical importance.

The city's main venues for live performances are the Lancaster Grand Theatre, the Dukes and the Yorkshire House. The city also hosts "The Play in the Park" which is a group of open air performances which take place in Williamson Park. The city home to Lancaster University which also hosts public theatre performances, live music, exhibitions, contemporary dance and live art. The city also hosts a campus of the University of Cumbria. In early November the city puts on one of the largest fireworks displays in the north west of England.

Lancaster is also home to a number of golf clubs which include the Ashton Golf Centre, Lansil Golf Club, Forest Hills and Lancaster Golf Club.

Lancaster's railway station lies on the West Coast Main Line which provides passengers with direct services to destinations including Edinburgh, Glasgow, Birmingham and London as well as to many other towns and cities across the region and the UK.

About Bangor

Bangor is located on the North Wales coast and is an ancient, historic, cathedral and university city with lots to do and see. This friendly city has a unique character and landscape and visitors are able to enjoy a panoramic view of the sea from Bangor Mountain. When in Bangor visitors should take a stroll along the pier, sail a boat on the Menai Strait or climb the mountains of the Ogwen Valley and Nant Ffrancon. The city is an excellent base for exploring the mountains of the nearby Snowdonia National Park. Located roughly three miles from Bangor, Penrhyn Castle is a magnificent Neo-Norman mansion which has amazing views and a Victorian walled garden. The castle also has a collection of steam engines and grand master paintings. The castle was constructed in 1836 and was built by the Pennant family who made their fortune from sugar and then from slate which was quarried at nearby Bethesda. The castle in now owned by the National Trust. In the city there are a number of nature and heritage trails which link the city's green spaces with its architectural heritage. Nearby are protected wildlife and nature sites, from the spectacular drop of the Aber Falls to a number of nature reserves, both woodland and seaside.