Direct Rail
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Travel from Hereford to Lichfield by train
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Hereford Lichfield Train

Use the direct rail train times and ticket search box to get all the information you need on trains from Hereford to Lichfield including schedules, all available fare types from anytime peak to super-off peak.

Fare types can sometimes come across a bit confusing but fear not, we make it simple for you to view the best ticket type for the journey between Hereford and Lichfield.

On many routes you can save on average 43% by buying your ticket in advance in comparison to buying at your local station on the day of travel. So what are you waiting for? Search for your train fares from Hereford to Lichfield now.

About Hereford

The cathedral city of Hereford is the county town of Herefordshire, England. The city lies on the River Wye and is roughly 15 miles from the border with Wales and 25 miles to the south west of Worcester. The city has its origins in Anglo-Saxon times where and army or group of soldiers "here" used the place to cross the river "ford". In Welsh, Hereford, means "old road" and refers to the Roman road and settlement at nearby Stretton Sugwas.

Today, Hereford is known as a trading centre for the areas rural areas around the city. This trade centres around the city's cattle market. The city is known for a number of products including cider, beer, leather goods, poultry, chemicals and cattle, including the famous Hereford breed.

Visitors to Hereford can take in the splendour of The Old House which is an historic black and white house in the centre of High Town which is a museum about life in the Jacobean era of the 1600's when the house was built. The Hereford Museum and Art gallery which is located in a Victorian Gothic building contains many artifacts, fine art and decorative art associated with the city and surrounding area.

About Lichfield

Located in the county of Staffordshire, the city of Lichfield lies just to the north of Birmingham and is steeped in heritage with lots of things to do and see for the whole family. Whilst in the city why not pay a visit to the Georgian home of Erasmus Darwin, grandfather of Charles Darwin and leading doctor, botanist, inventor and poet of the 18th century. The house is located in the idyllic surroundings of Cathedral Close and contains many interactive displays and a herb garden. Any trip to Lichfield must include a visit to the 800 year old cathedral which has treasures including the 8th century St Chad Gospels, 16th century Flemish Glass, monuments by Chantrey and Epstein and the 20th century Lang Lichfield Silver Commission. Located a few miles from Lichfield is Drayton Manor Theme Park with some of the biggest, scariest and wettest rides around. Thrill seekers will love the adrenaline-inducing drop-tower, Apocalypse, stand-up coaster, Shockwave, splash-tastic log flume, Stormforce 10, gyro-swing, and Maelstrom. The park is also home to Europe's only Thomas Land™ which features 21 rides and attractions based on the popular Thomas & Friends™ TV series, including Cranky’s Drop Tower, the Troublesome Trucks Coaster and Winston’s Whistle Stop Tour.