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About Exeter

The cathedral city of Exeter, in south west England, was the most south westerly Roman settlement in Britain and its historic cathedral, founded in the 12th century, became Anglican at the time of the reformation in the 16th century.

Exeter has a vibrant cultural scene. The Northcott Theatre, which is located on the campus of Exeter University, is one of only a few provincial theatres in England that has retained its own repertory company. The company put on an annual open air Shakespeare production in the grounds of Rougemont Castle and it is well respected nationally. The Northcott Theatre is the city's replacement to the Theatre Royal which was demolished in the 1960's. Exeter also has a number of other theatres. The New Theatre is home to the Cygnet Training Theatre and the Barnfield Theatre is a charity and is used for both professional and amateur productions.

Exeter's Royal Albert Memorial Museum in Queen Street holds significant and diverse collections in areas such as zoology, anthropology, fine art, local and overseas archaeology, and geology. In 2012 the museum was awarded the United Kingdom's "Museum of the Year" by The Art Fund charity citing its "ambition and imagination".

About Newcastle

Located in the north east of England, the city of Newcastle upon Tyne (usually just called Newcastle) is a lively and diverse city known for its nightlife, art, music and sport. The city is compact and friendly and is often a starting point for tours to the Northumberland coast and to Hadrian's Wall. Newcastle is becoming an increasingly popular tourist destination in part due to the city's regeneration and also due to its proximity to areas of outstanding natural beauty such as the Northumberland coastline and the Pennines.

Attractions in the city include the River Tynes which is a short walk from the city's railway station. The quayside is pedestrianised on the north side and organised city walks along the river can be found between May and November. The Tyne Bridge and Millennium Bridge, famous Newcastle landmarks, span the great River Tyne in the city centre.

There are concentrations of pubs, bars and nightclubs around the Bigg Market, and the Quayside area of the city centre. There are many bars on the Bigg Market, and other popular areas for nightlife are Collingwood Street, popularly referred to as the 'Diamond Strip' due to its concentration of high-end bars, Neville Street, the Central Station area and Osborne Road in the Jesmond area of the city.