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Edinburgh Durham Train

Find the latest information on Scotland to England trains travelling from Edinburgh to Durham.

The Edinburgh Durham train connection travels between the stations of Edinburgh Waverley and Durham.

Use the direct rail train times and ticket search box to get all the information you need on trains from Edinburgh to Durham including schedules, all available fare types from anytime peak to super-off peak.

We offer the cheapest tickets from Edinburgh to Durham as well as open/flexible return tickets, so ensure you get the best fare and book your train ticket in advance with us now!

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About Edinburgh

The city of Edinburgh is located in Lothian on the southern shore of the Firth or Forth and is Scotland's capital city. It has been regarded as Scotland's capital since at least the 15th century but political power moved south to London after the Union of the Crowns in 1603 and the Union of Parliaments in 1707. Edinburgh has a rich history and as a consequence has many historic buildings including Edinburgh Castle, Holyrood Place, the churches of St. Giles, Greyfriars and Canongate.

The historic centre of Edinburgh is divided in two by Princes Street Gardens. To the south the view is dominated by Edinburgh Castle which is built high on the castle rock, and the long sweep of the Old Town descending towards Holyrood Palace. To the north lie Princes Street and the New Town. Edinburgh's Old Town and New Town have been declared UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

The city is home to many national institutions including the National Museum of Scotland, the National Library of Scotland and the Scottish National Gallery. In terms of trade and commerce Edinburgh has long been a centre of banking and insurance and is now the United Kingdom's second largest financial centre after London.

About Durham

Located in the north east of England, the city of Durham is a cathedral city and has a Norman Castle dating from 1073. During the medieval period the city gained spiritual prominence because it was the final resting place of Saint Cuthbert and Saint Bede the Venerable. The shrine of Saint Cuthbert, situated behind the High Altar of Durham Cathedral, was the most important religious site in England until the martyrdom of St Thomas Becket at Canterbury.

The old commercial section of the city encompasses the peninsula on three sides, following the River Wear. The peninsula was historically surrounded by the castle wall extending from the castle keep and broken by two gatehouses to the north and west of the enclosure. After extensive remodeling by the Victorians the walls were removed with the exception of the gatehouse which is still standing on the Bailey.

The whole of the centre of Durham is designated a conservation area which was first designated in 1968, and was extended in 1980. In addition to the Cathedral and Castle, Durham contains over 630 listed buildings, 569 of which are located within the city centre conservation area.