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Travel from Edinburgh to Bath by train
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Edinburgh Bath Train

Find the information you need to book a train ticket on the Edinburgh to Bath line between Scotland and England here.

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Fare types can sometimes come across a bit confusing but fear not, we make it simple for you to view the best ticket type for the journey between Edinburgh and Bath.

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About Edinburgh

The city of Edinburgh is located in Lothian on the southern shore of the Firth or Forth and is Scotland's capital city. It has been regarded as Scotland's capital since at least the 15th century but political power moved south to London after the Union of the Crowns in 1603 and the Union of Parliaments in 1707. Edinburgh has a rich history and as a consequence has many historic buildings including Edinburgh Castle, Holyrood Place, the churches of St. Giles, Greyfriars and Canongate.

The historic centre of Edinburgh is divided in two by Princes Street Gardens. To the south the view is dominated by Edinburgh Castle which is built high on the castle rock, and the long sweep of the Old Town descending towards Holyrood Palace. To the north lie Princes Street and the New Town. Edinburgh's Old Town and New Town have been declared UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

The city is home to many national institutions including the National Museum of Scotland, the National Library of Scotland and the Scottish National Gallery. In terms of trade and commerce Edinburgh has long been a centre of banking and insurance and is now the United Kingdom's second largest financial centre after London.

About Bath

Situated in the south west of England and close to the city of Bristol, there is more to do in Bath than its famous architecture and its Roman Baths which have been attracting visitors to the city for a thousand years. For the adventurous types you can take a hot air balloon flight over the city, take in the motorsport at nearby Castle Combe Race Circuit or climb the sheer rock face at Cheddar Gorge. For the family, why not explore the caves of Wookey Hole or see the animals at Longleat Safari Park. Taking things at a more sedate pace, the city’s diverse collection of fascinating museums allows you to unearth everything from where William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus to what was at the height of fashion 100 years ago and how Jane Austen spent her time in Bath. bath is a small city can easily be explored by foot. Most of the main attractions are a short walk from each other so even in one hour quite a number of sights can be taken in. Walking tours are an excellent way to explore the city and provide an excellent way to get to know the city centre. The hop on hop off bus tours are also very popular taking visitors on an informative tour of all the sights, including Royal Victoria Park and the Bath Skyline