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Chester Cardiff Train

Find the information you need to book a train ticket on the Chester to Cardiff line between England and Wales here.

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We offer the cheapest tickets from Chester to Cardiff as well as open/flexible return tickets, so ensure you get the best fare and book your train ticket in advance with us now!

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About Chester

The city of Chester lies on the River Dee and is located in the county of Cheshire in north west England and is close to the border with Wales. Chester was granted city status in 1541. Chester was one of the last towns in England to fall to the Normans in the Norman conquest of England. William the Conqueror ordered the construction of a castle, to dominate the town and the nearby Welsh border. The city has a number of medieval buildings, but some of the black-and-white buildings within the city centre are actually Victorian restorations. Chester is one of the best preserved walled cities in Britain and apart from a 100-metre section, the listed Grade I walls are almost complete. A footpath runs along the top of the walls, crossing roads by bridges over Eastgate, Northgate, St Martin's Gate, Watergate, Bridgegate, Newgate, and the Wolf Gate, and passing a series of structures, namely Phoenix Tower (or King Charles' Tower), Morgan's Mount, the Goblin Tower (or Pemberton's Parlour), and Bonewaldesthorne's Tower with a spur leading to the Water Tower, and Thimbleby's Tower.

The Industrial Revolution brought railways, canals, and new roads to the city, which saw substantial expansion and development – Chester Town Hall and the Grosvenor Museum are examples of Victorian architecture from this period.

About Cardiff

Cardiff is the capital of Wales and is located on the south coast of Wales. The city has undergone a dramatic transformation over recent decades transforming it from an industrial city into a modern, lively, capital city. Cardiff's industrial past, where it was once one of the most important ports in the world, has been transformed by developments like Cardiff Bay (sometimes called Tiger Bay) which is home to landmarks like the National Assembly for Wales and the Wales Millennium Centre.

Although popular with visitors all year round the summer months may be the best time to visit as the city hosts festivals and the visitors and residents alike can relax in the many cafes and restaurants that offer al fresco dining. Cathays Park is perhaps one of the worlds most beautiful civic centre, comprising expensive white Portland stone buildings in a range of classical styles, all surrounding the formal gardens of Alexandra Gardens whose center contains the beautiful national war memorial of Wales. Most people stop at the first 3 buildings facing the city center (City Hall, National Museum and Law courts) and fail to experience the architectural beauty and tranquility of the park and surrounding buildings.