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Carlisle Winchester Train

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About Carlisle

Located in Cumbria, the city of Carlisle is the county town and administrative centre of Cumbria in north west England. The cities lies at the confluence of the rivers Eden, Caldew and Petteril and is roughly 10 miles to the south of the border with Scotland. The transformation brought about by the Industrial Revolution started the transformation of Carlisle into a densely populated mill town. Combined with its strategic location it led to the town becoming an important railway town.

Nicknamed the Great Border City, Carlisle today is the main cultural, commercial and industrial centre for north Cumbria and is home to the main campuses of the University of Cumbria and a variety of museums and heritage centres. Carlisle has a compact historic centre with a castle, museum, cathedral and semi-intact city walls. The former law courts or citadel towers which now serve as offices for Cumbria County Council were designed by Thomas Telford. The city centre is largely pedestrianised and The Lanes shopping centre is home to around 75 stores.

The University of Cumbria has a four campuses in Carlisle on Fusehill Street, Brampton Road, Paternoster Row and Newcastle Street. The university provides a wide range of degree courses in higher education such as Applied Computing, Applied Psychology, Art, Business, Law, Media, Social Work and Teacher Education.

About Winchester

The city of Winchester in Hampshire, on the couth coast of England, is packed with historic buildings, monuments and museums - all within a short walking distance of each other and just waiting to be explored. Whilst in the city explore the medieval streets and admire the magnificent cathedral and Wolvesey Castle before taking a gentle stroll along the River Itchen to The Hospital of St Cross (a medieval almshouse - or charitable housing). The city is also recognised as a foodie destination and has the largest Farmers Market in the United Kingdom. The River Itchen, which runs through the heart of the Winchester, along with the River Test to the south west of the city, are famous for the wild trout which thrive in their clear, fast-running waters. The city is located on the edge of the South Downs National Park, and combines cosmopolitan elegance with rural idyll. The park covers an area of 628 sq miles, and stretches for 87 miles from Winchester in the west to Eastbourne in the east through the counties of Hampshire, West Sussex and East Sussex. The park includes the infamous iconic chalky white cliffs of Beachy Head.