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Bradford Bangor Train

Find the information you need to book a train ticket on the Bradford to Bangor line between England and Wales here.

Use the direct rail train times and ticket search box to get all the information you need on trains from Bradford to Bangor including schedules, all available fare types from anytime peak to super-off peak.

We offer the cheapest tickets from Bradford to Bangor as well as open/flexible return tickets, so ensure you get the best fare and book your train ticket in advance with us now!

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About Bradford

Bradford is a city located in West Yorkshire in the foothills of the Pennines and is approximately 9 miles to the west of Leeds and 15 miles to the north west of Wakefield. The city rose to prominence during the Industrial Revolution as an international centre of textile manufacture, particularly wool. The city's proximity to a supply of coal, iron ore and soft water facilitated the growth of Bradford's manufacturing base. Coupled with the increasing importance of its textile industry, Bradford's population exploded which in turn led to a rapid increase in investment in the city which is why the city has a large number of listed Victorian architecture including the grand Italiante City Hall.

The textile sector in Bradford fell into decline from the mid-20th century. Since this time, Bradford has emerged as a tourist destination, becoming the first UNESCO City of Film with attractions such as the National Media Museum, Bradford City Park, the Alhambra theatre and Cartwright Hall.

Forster Square Shopping Park opened in 1995 and is adjacent to the Forster Square Railway Station and includes over 20 large retail and food outlets. Bradford Forster Square railway station is one of two main line railway stations serving the city. The other is Bradford Interchange.

About Bangor

The university city of Bangor in north west Wales can trace its history back to the founding of a monastery on the site of Bangor Cathedral by the Celtic saint Deiniol in the 6th century. The current cathedral is a more recent structure but the bishopric of Bangor is one of the oldest in Britain. The city's university was founded in 1884 and the Friars School, established as a free grammar school, was founded in 1557. In 1877, the former HMS Clio became a school ship, moored on the Menai Strait at Bangor, and had 260 pupils. Closed after the end of hostilities of World War I, she was sold for scrap and broken up in 1919.

The population of Bangor is around 14,000 and is therefore one of the smallest cities in the United Kingdom. However, because it is a university city it has more facilities than one would expect for a small city.

Around half of the people in the city can speak Welsh, but if you took away all of the students in the University, this figure would be much higher.